A Guest Post with Michael S. Gutter: Combating Hate Groups

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I wrote this book for a few reasons. First off, I wanted to write it as if I was talking directly to a hate group member at a bar.

When someone joins a group with just the purpose of hating someone, it should immediately tell you that they’re a moron or an idiot but most likely both. If a hate group member reads either book until the end and doesn’t completely acknowledge that other problem, then you have a person who’s a lost cause. Jews, blacks, homosexuals, etc. have never been the problem for hate group members. Never. They’re the problem they just don’t see it… yet. There’s no Jews or blacks or homosexuals waking up each day to “screw over” any hate group members. They just don’t seem to understand that.

Hate group members are arguably the largest collective group in America who constantly look for excuses for their miserable lives and are always blaming others to make themselves feel good. Could you imagine your one of these excuse makers, sitting in front of their computers or at an actual meeting and just bitching, whining, moaning and complaining about how some Jew just screwed them over. Really How? Give specifics, not Rothschild B.S. or the Bilderberg nonsense.

Well, I clearly outline and leave no doubt about my writings. I cover a ton of facts which completely destroy any so called “logic” that any member of any hate group could possibly refute. These books are the greatest books ever written confronting antisemitism and I dare any hate group member to tell me where I’m wrong.

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Never Again Still MEANS Never Again

The harsh tone and writing in my first book, Never Again MEANS Never Again, is based on anger and frustration due to blatant lies that I grew tired of constantly debunking. It’s a “no holds barred” response and long overdue. I wrote this version without the “R” rated language, dark humor, and innuendo. It contains the same content and subject matter as the first book, but in a way that anyone of any age can read and understand. Frankly, it should be required reading worldwide, in my humble opinion.

This book provides all antisemites, homophobes, racists, and other minority haters an opportunity to compare the facts from this book to the lies they’ve been told, believe, and perpetuate. It’s written for every Jew worldwide to help understand parts of our history, our present, and our future. It provides facts and opinions on topics such as Hitler, Treaty of Versailles, Manhattan Project, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Nazis, Nobel Prize, Hollywood and much, much more.

Right now, our path looks bleak, but fixable. If you want to help, read the book and remember… Never Again Still MEANS Never Again.

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